2021: Find & Buy Premium-Looking Domain Names Cheaply
Discover & buy many fantastic .com domain names. Also learn domain check, search, registration, domain flipping, parking
2021: Find & Buy Premium-Looking Domain Names Cheaply
Please have sufficient command of the English language to follow the lectures. There is no subtitles in this course.
Please be enthusiastic and try my ideas
You will need some practice before you become as good as I am at finding domain names. So be prepared to practice.
2021: Find & Buy Premium-Looking Domain Names Cheaply
This course is for people who are starting projects
This course is for entrepreneurs
Anyone starting a business
Anyone who needs a great domain name
Finding a domain name course and instructor introduction
How to choose a great domain name, and how to even get it for free
FREE PREVIEWDomain grabbers and how to prevent them
Example of how to find premium domain names and get them for free
How to find cool and catchy "startupy" domain names
Example of cool modern domains and business names from AngelList
How to make money selling domains & creating websites to sell for big profits
Biggest auction site in the world to sell domains
Sido and bido
Long term viability of this business
Selling full ready-made businesses instead of domains only
My strategy to get very cheap and quality work from UpWork
What is domain parking and pros and cons of doing this as a business
Domain Grabbing