What you'll learn

  • Go from absolute beginner to a solid intermediate level of video creation quality in just a few days

  • Shorten your video creation and editing learning curve

  • Be able to create high quality videos

  • Get better results on YouTube or Udemy because if higher video quality


This course is made for absolute beginners in video creation. Get your video production quality high quickly, learn basic video editing, and get up and running very quickly. If you are new to making videos, this course is designed to get you up to speed in a very short amount of time. This course will save you from making many common mistakes and will help you get better results with your videos because today, video quality is absolutely necessary if you want to be successful on YouTube or anywhere else where you use video.

Who this course is for:

New video creators

Beginner YouTubers

Beginner Udemy instructors

Course curriculum

  1. 1
  2. 2
    • Part of YouTube marketing is to improve your YouTube videos - let's do that

    • Mistakes I made early in my video production journey

    • CASE STUDY: How mistakes in videos can hold you back

    • Should you prescript? What kind of preparation? Teleprompter?

  3. 3
  4. 4
    • Audio section introduction, quiet space to record & audio editing software

    • Getting rid of sound echo with studio foam

    • Microphones

  5. 5
    • Lighting and shadows

    • Improving lighting, background and shadows with better equipment

  6. 6
    • Five camera options to film your video

    • Editing

    • How long should videos be

  7. 7
    • Body language section introduction

    • Clothing and appearance

    • Basics of your speech and tone when presenting

  8. 8
    • What if you have an accent like I do

    • Parasite words in your speech - how to recognize and get rid of them